Secret Way to make up to $500 a day Freelancing without any Skills.

Digital Dollars Guide
6 min readNov 11, 2022


Image from Pexels, Customized by Author on Canva

$1.5 trillion is the Estimated worth of the Global Freelancing market, [According to Investigation and research conducted as of the middle of 2022].

How do I tap Into this $1.5 trillion Market deal and make a good amount of money?

You Might Ask,

Well, Since the beginning of this month, I’ve managed to make a few Hundred Dollars on Fiverr,

Screenshot by Author

with this method I’m going to show Combined with Affiliate marketing.

In this Article, I’ll Tell you one of the Secrets on how to make up to $500 a day As a Freelancer without any Skills, Knowledge or Experience.

And also I’m going to Show you How to turn this system into a good Side-hustle, Leverage it, and make consistently a Good amount of money for yourself.

Before we go on I want to encourage you to Subscribe to my Email newsletter and Follow me so that you’ll be notified when I drop Awesome Articles like this.

Thank you for doing that and Let’s Dive right into the points.

Fiverr Arbitrage.

This is basically a process by which you Find a freelancer That’s Specifically offering a particular Skill or Service on a particular Hot Selling niche at a low price and sell the service or Skills to Companies and Individuals who are Searching for it, at a High Price and make Commissions.

In a short term, “Middle man”.

Fiverr is the biggest and largest freelancing marketplace as of Now, and According to the 2020 fiverr growth analytics on fiverr blog (, fiverr Currently has more than 3.42 million Active buyers Anually, with over 65 million visitors, and more than $189.5 million Generated on Revenue.

This makes it one of the best Freelancing websites for this Passive income Business we’re going to set up.

And Remember, we’re not buying anything from Fiverr!!!

So stick with me Here, I’ll show you How this will Totally make Sense at the end

Now lots of Questions might pop up on your mind like;

How is this going to work?

How do I start?

What should I do?

How do I know a freelancer that’s Offering a good service?

How do I get these freelancers to Complete jobs for me?

Stick with me while I’m going to Tell you How to process this Smoothly and make a stable income Daily.

And at the end, I’ll show you a Bonus Tips on How you can make good money in two ways with this method.


How is this going to work?

To make the whole process work, You need to Create a Fiver account,

It’s very simple, and you can do it in less than five minutes.

Instead of Signing into Fiverrs website without getting any bonus, Sign up with the Link Below this Article and get a %20 Dollar bonus when you Create an account and set up a Gig.

It’s my Affiliate link.

It will also helps me to publsh contents like this.

Signing up is free and simple with Your Email Address, A unique password, Your Name, [Pls ensure the Name You Use is the Same Name on Your ID, For Validation and Smooth withdrawal ofyour Earnings], Your Surname and other little informations.

After having done that, it’s time to move to the next Question,

How do I start?

After creating your Account, We need to log into Fiverr, and Find a particular Skill or service that to Sell.

For Example;

When I go to Fiverr and search for the keyword “Facebook ads”

You’ll see bunches of Gigs from different people offering Facebook ads service for different price tags.

Like this one Here

Sample images, Designed on Canva

Now, Between these two Gigs offering the same Service you’ll notice that the price tags are Different but they’re the same Top rated Freelancers on Fiverr.

When I checked their profile, they both are Offering a 30 sec video ad, and of good Quality.

What should I do?

What we are going to do here is to analyze the Services that has a good or High Search Volume and low in Competition, when we get them at a low price we sell it Down the Line at a high price, the Difference Here is our Profit, like the Example you see above.

The reason why you should go for low competitive Services is simply because it’s not Rushy, we Can make Huge sells As a Beginner.

How do we Analyze The Services that’ll Sell More and Low in Competition?

Using tools like;


This is a Fiverr tool that allows you to Search for the number of Gigs on a particular Job or Gig, the Average Amount that’s spent on buying them and Ratings.

All you need to do is to login and Search for Rare and low Competitive Services.


How to create and manage an Instagram account,

How to promote YouTube videos,

Or Even Facebook Ads.

Another way we can Manually do the search is by logging into our Fiverr Account and typing for a specific keyword, Skills or Service and look at the top where it Shows you the number of Gigs on that particular Skill or Service.

For Example when I log into my account and type something thing like;

How to create and manage an Instagram account

Fiverr Tells me that more than 29,800 Gigs or Services are already placed on this job.

That doesn’t mean that we can’t work or Sell these Services or Gigs, although it is high, it all depends on the number of orders that the Current gigs are getting.

But we aren’t going to use Competitive Services like this, instead, We can do more Researches for other Services we want to go for.

Now pay Close attention, This is the most important aspect of this Article.

How do I know a freelancer that’s Offering a good service?

When you must’ve analyzed and get a Good Services or Skills,

We need to Get a High rated freelancer that’s offering this Service that We want to resell and also Charges Lower price than what we want to Bill.

Specifically on Fiverr, You can sort freelancers by Level one, level two, Level Three, top rated, and pro,

In this case we need to go with Top Rated Sellers and Pro’s below our price tag, these are Ones that can deliver the Quality of job we want.

Another platform you can choose is Upwork.

Upwork is Another best freelancing site where you can place your Services, and Freelancers can come and apply For it.

Upwork will also allow you to select a top rated and low budget freelancers that can handle your job perfectly.

How do I get these freelancers to Complete jobs for me?

Getting freelancers to complete our work is the easiest part.

You can simply do that by finding a top rated or Pro Freelancers that can handle our job, massage them, telling them that we would be buying their Services Weekly or Everyday depending on the amount of Job we have.

They’ll be Happy, they can even do some discounts for you.

And as for Upwork, there will be A competition when people are applying for the job, they’ll lower their prices to get it.

If you made it down here, Here’s my bonus point for you on How you can make much money in two ways with this method.

You Can Basically Join Affiliate program of Fiverr, Upwork and other freelancing website which you want to Place you job on and get paid when you buy Services with these links.

For Example, if you’re buying a service of $100 and making 50 to 70 which fiverr and Upwork offers, you’ll get to make $50 to $70 per service you buy.

To join Fiverr and Other affiliate programs Checkout this Article Here.

Let me know if you got values on this Article by Subscribing to my Newsletter, Follow for more Valuable Contents and dropping Comments on the Comments section below.

Thanks for reading I’ll catch on my Next Article!!!



Digital Dollars Guide

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